10. CrashCourse Kids
채널 구독자 수 79.3만명
Crash Course Kids
Welcome to Crash Course Kids! This bi-weekly show from the producers of Crash Course is all about gradeschool science. We'll look at Earth, Habitats, Space, Chemical Reactions, Engineering, and much much more with host Sabrina Cruz. So, join us every Tuesd
Earth's Rotation & Revolution: Crash Course Kids 8.1 (지구의 자전과 공전)
09. MinuteEarth
채널 구독자 수 287만명
Science and stories about our awesome planet! Our staff: Lizah van der Aart, Sarah Berman, Cameron Duke, Arcadi Garcia, David Goldenberg, Melissa Hayes, Alex Reich, Henry Reich, Peter Reich, Ever Salazar, Leonardo Souza, Kate Yoshida and Jasper Palfree. Mi
Why Do Animals Eat Their Babies? (동물들은 왜 자신의 새끼를 먹을까?)
08. PBS Eons
채널 구독자 수 289만명
PBS Eons
Join hosts Kallie Moore, Michelle Barboza-Ramirez and Blake de Pastino as they take you on a journey through the history of life on Earth. From the dawn of life in the Archaean Eon through the Mesozoic Era — the so-called “Age of Dinosaurs” -- right
Why Megalodon (Definitely) Went Extinct (메갈로돈은 어떻게 멸종하게 되었을까?)
07. Be Smart
채널 구독자 수 506만명
Be Smart
Be Smart is created and hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D. We give you deep answers to simple questions about science and the rest of the universe. Have ideas or questions? Find me on Twitter: @okaytobesmart or @DrJoeHanson
Why Is Blue So Rare In Nature? (자연에서는 왜 파란색이 많지 않을까?)
06. CGP Grey
채널 구독자 수 618만명
CGP Grey
The Simple Solution to Traffic (교통체증에 대한 간단한 해결 방법)
05. SciShow
채널 구독자 수 787만명
SciShow explores the unexpected. We delve into the scientific subjects that defy our expectations and make us even more curious! For more from SciShow, check out SciShow Kids and SciShow Tangents, along with SciShow Space and Psych.
The Sex Lives of Early Humans (고대 인간들의 성생활)
04. SmarterEveryDay
채널 구독자 수 1140만명
I explore the world using science. That's pretty much all there is to it. Watch 2 videos. If you learn something AWESOME, please subscribe if you feel like I earned it. Contact: http://www.smartereveryday.com/contact. I currently get lots of correspondence
AK-47 Underwater at 27,450 frames per second (Part 2) - Smarter Every Day 97 (물속에서 총을 쏘면 어떻게 될까?)
03. Crashcourse
채널 구독자 수 1540만명
At Crash Course, we believe that high-quality educational videos should be available to everyone for free! Subscribe for weekly videos from our current courses! The Crash Course team has produced more than 45 courses on a wide variety of subjects, includin
Intro to Psychology: Crash Course Psychology #1 (심리학 기초)
02. Ted-Ed
채널 구독자 수 1960만명
TED-Ed’s mission is to create lessons worth sharing. Feed and expand your curiosity with our award-winning animated shorts - published on YouTube and available with supplemental learning materials on ed.ted.com. Want to suggest an idea for a TED-Ed anima
Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? - Alex Gendler (죄수 모자 수수께끼는 풀 수 있는 문제일까?)
01. Mark Rober
채널 구독자 수 4150만명
Mark Rober
Former NASA engineer. Current CrunchLabs founder and friend of science. Answers to some common questions: 1) I make a monthly toy we build together on a video, that gets delivered to your house that teaches you to think like an engineer. Check it out at- h
세상에서 가장 큰 젤리 수영장 - 젤리 속에서 수영할 수 있을까?
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